Murphy and My Other Cronies
The rousing words on Twitter, Quora and other useless social places for the unsociable and/or quarantined, spurred me into action. Made a brain-damage friendly to-do list app, for personal use, obviously. It looks absolutely unremarkable thus far, and will be updated on GitHub if it ever gets remarkable. In the meantime, what to do about the At-home monsters? In all the articles about the age of social distancing/Covid-19, nobody is complaining about too much socializing. I used to have a minimum of eight hours alone every single day and today is the day 14 of my socializing with three people, minimum, every day. That's three too many! Fun fact: Viricide is the act of killing a virus- also the word for killing one's husband! Ha! I was looking for the word for the latter. I'm not entirely sure this is a real definition or other wives' wishful addition to the English language. Covid-19 doesn't pose that much immediate threat, by comparison.
My descriptive idiom is suffering, obviously. The TV is in constant danger of my throwing a hammer at it. My brain threatens every few hours to jump out and go for a walk and I haven't been out on a walk in days. First-world problems! If I didn't have enough to eat or feed the kids, my boredom will be non-existent. Naturally, we-privileged and clueless, aka Millennials and the subsequent generations, get all the bad press. IMO, if the Baby Boomers were better parents or more innovative, either we would be a better people en masse or they would have had our problems before us. Either way, it's all our parents' fault, ergo, their parents' too! Hence, the Proof- we are not the worst people alive!
Coming back to the current problem, the kids are watching too much TV. While some of them are amusing, like Milo Murphy's Law, which I have binge-watched three seasons with them, what else can you let them watch? My six-year old is using Teenager slang from all the shows on Disney and it's blowing out the top of my head. I've explained that she can behave like a teenager in ten years and if she does so before then, she would be in such great trouble beyond my ability to describe with words or actions without getting arrested. So, now she thinks kids morph into some kind of sub-human form in the teen ages. Close enough, but time enough to correct that parenting-fail when the quarantines end.
The kid is learning to journal every day, yoga, chess moves, basic arithmetic and reading/writing in English and German. After she does all that, I get back to bed exhausted, and there I stay, not sleeping all night. The idea was to take long walks and rebuild strength, do yoga, aerobics, write/read/blog/paint/sketch/garden/plant flowers/spring-clean/meditate/cook healthy and eat well every day. And finish the four specializations I keep starting on Coursera. And the Masterclass I've signed up for. Be a better parent. Learn to play something nice on the piano and violin. Might as well add "split atom" to the list.
Oh, and stay out of jail! - for whatever domestic offenses are punishable by law. I'm already guilty of everything not lawfully punishable yet.
This is an upbeat post, but I am thinking about the dying. The most harmless and vulnerable will perish. In India, an enforced quarantine might help middle-class and those richer than them survive, but of the almost 2 billion, many thousands will die, and they will be the most vulnerable. Poor and already starving and already suffering everywhere from Yemen to Africa to Syria to the asylum-seekers in the US will all die. The Donald Trumps and Boris Johnsons will all live- even if infected, thrive and possibly get richer too, at the expense of the only deserving among us. That even a global pandemic cannot fix human injustice gives no consolation. So, nothing to do but to cheer up and staying safe. Note to self: Absolutely no physical violence!
Today's Relationship Aspiration:
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